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楼主  发表于: 2008-09-16 09:40


Version Information

CX-One Ver.3.04
The version of Support Software included in CX-One of this version
is as follows.
      CX-Programmer: Ver.8.00
      CX-Integrator: Ver.2.31
      CX-Simulator : Ver.1.90
      CX-Designer  : Ver.3.00
      CX-Motion    : Ver.2.32
      CX-Motion-NCF: Ver.1.60
      CX-Motion-MCH: Ver.2.20
      CX-Position  : Ver.2.50
      CX-Protocol  : Ver.1.80
      CX-Process Tool: Ver.5.22
      Face Plate Auto-Builder for NS: Ver.3.11
      CX-Thermo    : Ver.4.00
      Switch Box   : Ver.1.64
      CX-Server    : Ver.4.01
      CX-Drive     : Ver.1.61
      CX-FLnet     : Ver.1.00
      NetworkConfigurator : Ver.3.00
      CX-ConfiguratorFDT : Ver.1.12
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查看shenjiahong的 主题 / 回贴
1楼  发表于: 2008-09-24 21:44