级别: 正式会员
精华主题: 0
发帖数量: 15 个
工控威望: 76 点
下载积分: 351 分
在线时间: 4(小时)
注册时间: 2023-12-06
最后登录: 2024-01-11
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楼主  发表于: 2023-12-15 09:50
提取码: haz1

Run As Admin

4208 keys
v2023.11.24 add some info for TIA Portal v19 f190c58516ea4bf4e0ee4cd28ff5501e3d0444834d8c818e23ab7f1884f14ee7 *Sim_EKB_Install_2023_11_24_Run_as_Admin.exe
I removed the "Select All" checkbox due to its incorrect use.
"Select ALL" will now only be available for Optimal and Minimum keyset folders.
You never need to install all the keys, because a weak key for 1 tag blocks a large key for 1,000,000 tags.
  • 下载积分:+5(zhaoaron) 感谢分享!